
發佈人:理事長/柯文賢 公告日期:96/1/29 點閱人數:1193

請寫申請函, 並附上兩位以上專業人士的推薦函一併郵寄到下列地址

A Deputy Principal Primary School is being sought for the Independent Schools Foundation Academy. The closing date for applications is 31 January 2007.
Deputy Principal Primary School – REQUIRED FOR MAY 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter, 1 July 2007 at latest
The Independent Schools Foundation Academy (ISFA) founded in August, 2003 by The Independent Schools Foundation Limited is a non-profit, through-train school with 250 students from Grade One to Grade Seven for 06/07 school year. The ISFA is a product of collaboration with the Government of Hong Kong and part of the Private Independent School initiative.
The school will move into its new campus located in Pukfulam in August, 2007. The total capacity of the school is for 1800 students with grades ranging from Grade One to Grade Twelve.

Requirements for the Post
* A professional teaching qualification is essential;
* Native fluency in Putonghua is essential, ability to communicate well in English both written and spoken;
* Experience of establishing IBO's programs, and IB training, are desirable;
* Proven success in developing a community of learners, working in teams: staff, students and parents;
* Proven success in recruiting experienced teachers of Putonghua and English, and providing the instructional leadership with teaching for learning as the focus;
* A recognized ability to develop:
- international education in a local context for students who will want to pursue Higher Education opportunities, world-wide;
- the opportunities for teachers and students that will exist in an through-train school;
- a school that will become a significant player for the local population;
* Experience of school leadership in a similar post would be an advantage.
Terms and Conditions of Service
The successful candidate will be appointed initially on a two-year contract. Details of the Terms and Conditions will be provided for short-listed candidates. The remuneration package will be commensurate with the qualifications, expertise and experience required of the post-holder.
How to Apply
A letter of application which should include the names of two or more professional referees including current supervisor and a curriculum vitae should be sent by email to the ISFA Human Resource Dept. 373 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Further information about the school can be found at http://www.isf.edu.hk
Closing Date: 31 January 2007

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